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Showing posts from December, 2009
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Anxiety: a Disease of Significance
A Theory to Understand all Human Behavior (including Anxiety)
Updated post
I found out my bf is still addicted to drugs
Are guys interested in having sex more than once?
On Vacation!
Sexless marriage, now an affair
FREE ANALYSIS! Contestant #2
How can I get the girl back?
Orgasmic Difficulty
Sleeping with Boxers
Feedback and Suggestions!
FREE ANALYSIS! Contestant #1
How do you get a guy to stop chasing you?
How do I win at life?
Why do I turn into a stupid slut when I drink? Part 2
Free Personal Analysis!
My friend's a bitch (or something like that)
Public Hair Removal for Women
Dances with Boners
Obsessive Time-Management has got me Wondering
One a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
How do I get the guy I'm dating to sign off his dating website?
Am I perceiving the world accurately?
Real Strength
All outta questions!
My anxious mother
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